
Has there been a mistake? Which organisation to approach for compensation, depends on the situation.

Student travel product not available in time

You can apply for compensation with DUO if your student travel product was not available for you to collect. Or if it was not available in time. For instance in the following situations:

  • You were already eligible for the student travel product, but no subscription was available for you to collect. Or the wrong subscription was available. You did apply in time with DUO for the student travel product, meaning at least 8 weeks before it was due to take effect.
  • You received a public transport compensation because you were studying abroad. You indicated via Mijn DUO or a form from when you wanted to use the subscription again. But when you returned to the Netherlands, your subscription was not available from the pick-up device.
  • You switched subscriptions, meaning you switched from a weekday to a weekend subscription or the other way around. Your request was processed, but 5 office days later the new subscription was not available yet from the pick-up device.
  • You are eligible for the student travel product retro-actively (for example following an objection or appeal) and you incurred expenses for public transportation. You need supporting documents to show these expenses. For instance a print of your travel history in ‘Mijn OV-chip’. 

Use the Aanvraag schadevergoeding studentenreisproduct form to apply for compensation.

Problems with your OV-chipkaart

In the following situations you cannot get compensation from DUO. However, you may be eligible for compensation from the OV-chipkaart customer service Link opent externe pagina .

  • You did not receive your OV-chipkaart in time.
  • Too much money was debited from your OV-chipkaart.
  • Your OV-chipkaart is broken.

Compensation in case of public transport strikes

In case of a regional public transportation strike, you can get a small compensation per day. For more information, go to Link opent externe pagina (link in Dutch). In case of a NS (national railways) strike, you can apply for compensation with the NS Link opent externe pagina .