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Authorising someone else

DUO is never allowed to give out personal information about others, not even if somebody is under 18. We only provide information to the relevant person themselves. If you would like someone else to deal with DUO on your behalf, you need to authorise this person.

How do you arrange authorisation?

Authorising somebody is mostly done by form. The table will tell you which form to use. You will find the forms under the table. An authorization for Mijn DUO you arrange online.

You want to authorise someone else to You must arrange authorisation via
* Lawyers do not need to be authorised.
retrieve your personal information the Machtiging form
manage your affairs in Mijn DUO DigiD Machtigen Link opent externe pagina
manage your affairs by post the Machtiging form
pay your course fees for MBO or VAVO the Aanvraag termijnregeling lesgeld form
pay your student travel product fine through a repayment plan the Automatisch aflossen schuld bij DUO form
pay your repayment plan of arrears the Automatisch aflossen schuld bij DUO form
lodge an objection * the Machtiging voor bezwaarprocedure form

Post to authorised person

You can have your post sent to the person you have authorised. You can arrange this while authorising somebody. 

Having your student finance paid to somebody else

Would you like us to pay your student finance or grant into somebody else’s bank account? We can. Please enter this person’s bank account number in Mijn DUO.

Would you like us to pay your student finance or grant into an organisation’s bank account? Then you need to send us a statement to this effect. Make sure you include:

  • your name and burgerservicenummer (BSN)
  • the name of the organisation
  • the organisation’s bank account number
  • your signature and a signature from the organisation

Please send the statement to:

Afdeling Klantenservice
Postbus 30155
9700 LG Groningen

Withdrawal of authorisation

Did you authorise someone and do you want to withdraw this authorisation? You can do so at any time. Please use the Machtiging form. Withdrawing an authorisation for Mijn DUO you can do using Digid Machtigen Link opent externe pagina .

Changing your details if you are authorised

Have you been authorised by someone and do you want to change your personal details? Please use the Wijziging Gegevens gemachtigde form. You can also use this form to withdraw the authorisation.