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Processing times

Processing time form or supporting document

If you submit a form or piece of evidence, we will usually process it within 8 weeks. Does it take longer? On this page you can read to which forms this applies. You can also see what you can do in the meantime.

Mijn DUO: always faster

A long wait is not always necessary. In Mijn DUO you can arrange a lot of things yourself. Even from abroad, using a DigiD or European digital identity.

Once your application or document has been processed, you will find a notice in Mijn DUO. Often, you can see the results of your actions right away.

Longer processing times

Sometimes the processing time for supporting documents and forms can increase. Here you will find for which topics this now applies.

Students and parents

What did you send? Processing time
Evidence of foreign income parents 9 weeks
Assessment diploma 13 weeks
Performance grant provision 11 weeks
People repaying a debt
What did you send? Processing time
Evidence of foreign income  15 weeks

What can I do?

What did you send? Tips
Proof of parents' income
  • Borrow until the supplementary grant has been calculated, then refund the money.
Request to change parents' reference year
  • Borrow until your supplementary grant has been calculated, then refund the money.

Request to leave your parents’ income out of consideration

  • Borrow until you get a notice, then refund the money.
Application for student finance or prolongation of student finance for EU students

Do you run into financial problems because the processing takes longer? And have you already followed the tips in 'What can I do'? Then please contact us personally. We would be happy to think along with you.