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Applying for student finance from the Caribbean region

Components of student finance

Student finance consists of different components. You decide which components you apply for.

Basic grant

The amount of the basic grant depends on your living situation. If you are living on your own, the grant is higher than if you live with (one of) your parents.

Supplementary grant

The amount of the supplementary grant depends on your parents’ income. We also take into account the number of children they are supporting and whether your parents are repaying a student loan themselves.

We recommend that you apply for the supplementary grant. You only have to do this once – we will then calculate whether you are entitled to the grant every year.

Notification of your parents' income

We need to know your parents’ income to calculate the amount of supplementary grant you are entitled to. Your parents will have to inform DUO of their gross annual income themselves using the form 'Statement income tax'.

We also need information about your parents' income from the local tax authority. Therefore, a local tax authority inspector has to fill out question 4 on the form.

Problems with your parents
Have you lost touch with one or both parents? Or do you have a serious dispute with one or both of them? Then you can ask us to disregard the parental income. That way you may be eligible for a supplementary grant, or a higher supplementary grant.

In this video (in Dutch) we explain what you should do if you have problems with your parents. If you prefer written details, see the Problems with your parents page.


Heb je een aanvullende beurs aangevraagd?

Om die te berekenen kijken we naar het inkomen van je ouders. Als je problemen hebt met een of met beide ouders, dan kun je DUO vragen om het inkomen niet mee te laten tellen. Dit noemen we het 'inkomen van je ouder buiten beschouwing laten'. De ouder telt dan niet mee voor de berekening van de aanvullende beurs. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld als je een conflict hebt, als er geen contact is of als je niet erkend bent.

Om dit te regelen ga je op duo.nl/antillen naar 'Formulieren en folders'. Download het formulier 'Verzoek inkomen ouders buiten beschouwing laten'. Vul het formulier in op de computer en stuur de geprinte versie met je handtekening naar DUO.

Je moet ook bewijsstukken meesturen. In de toelichting van het formulier vind je welke dat zijn.

DUO beoordeelt je verzoek. Je ontvangt hierover een brief, waarin staat of je verzoek is goedgekeurd.


You can take out a student loan, which is subject to interest. You can adjust or cancel your student loan on a monthly basis. You will accrue student debt on any student loan you take out. You will have to repay this student debt, plus interest, after completing your education.

Tuition fee loan

If you are studying at a research university or a university of applied sciences (HBO), you can apply for an additional loan for payment of your tuition fees. This loan is known as a ‘tuition fee loan’.

Student travel product

The student travel product is part of student finance. When applying for the student travel product, you can choose between a weekday subscription or a weekend subscription.

  • Weekday subscription: free weekday travel, discounted travel in the weekend.
  • Weekend subscription: free travel in the weekend, discounted weekday travel.

Travel for MBO students aged under 18

If you are an MBO student aged under 18, you are not eligible for student finance, but you are entitled to the student travel product.