Debt assistance and relief

If you have a lot of debts, you can seek help from a debt counselling agency. DUO only works with agencies affiliated with the Dutch Association for Consumer Credit (NVVK) Link opent externe pagina .

Make sure your debt does not increase

Make sure that your debt with DUO does not increase any further. Apply immediately for a reduction in your monthly instalments. If that still does not ease the burden enough, you can request a payment free period. If you have received a fine from DUO for unauthorized use of your student travel product, cancel the product immediately.

Payments not automatically deferred

Seeking help from a debt counselling agency does not automatically mean that your payments to DUO will be deferred or suspended. Let your counsellor know that you have a debt with us. They usually then ask us for a statement of that debt. Only once we handle this request can we decide whether to grant you a deferral or suspension.

What debts can be restructured?

Not all debts with DUO can be restructured. You may be able to restructure following debts:

  • overdue loan or lifelong learning credit repayments
  • travel product fines
  • tuition fees

The following debts cannot be restructured.

  • overpayments of student finance or allowances. If you do not pay off these debts, they are converted automatically into a loan.
  • future instalments of your loan repayment. For these, you can request a reduction in the amount you pay each month.

If your debts are being legally restructured, DUO puts collection of your payments to us on hold during the process.

If are you in a statutory debt restructuring scheme (WSNP) or you have been declared bankrupt, inform your administrator or bankruptcy trustee that you have a debt with DUO. They will then contact us.