Your parents

To calculate your supplementary grant, we need information about your parents.

Who do we consider to be your parents?

We calculate the supplementary grant based on the income of your legal parents Link opent externe pagina . Your legal parents are the persons registered as your parents with the municipality. Usually these are your biological or adoptive parents.

Who sends us the information about your parents?

If you apply for a supplementary grant, we will submit an automatic request with the municipality for the information about your parents. After that we will receive information about their income from the Tax and Customs Administration (‘Belastingdienst’).

My parents live outside the Netherlands

Sometimes the municipality can’t provide the information, for example, if your parents live abroad. In that case, you must state who your parents are when applying for your student grant. They will then receive a letter from DUO explaining how to submit their income information.

Parents divorced

Your parents’ divorce will not affect your supplementary grant. For the supplementary grant we will still look at the joint income of your natural or adoptive parents.

Change your parents’ details

Has something changed in your parents’ details? The personal details update assistant explains how they can notify us of any changes.