Reducing your monthly instalment
When calculating your monthly instalments, we may take your income into account. This can mean that you pay less. Your payments could even be reduced to zero.
Which income?
We look at your income and that of your partner, if you have one, from 2 years ago.
Request for reduced monthly instalments
- Gather together supporting documents of your income. Check under ‘supporting documents of income’ which documents this concerns. Provide us with your income details using Mijn DUO.
- Log in to My DUO using your DigiD.
- Go to ‘Mijn schulden’ (my debt); next, click ‘Minder of niets betalen’ (reduced or zero payments) to the right and then the green button ‘Lager maandbedrag aanvragen’ (request reduced monthly instalments).
- Answer all the questions, making sure to upload supporting documents for your income alongside question 3. Next, click ‘Bevestigen’ (confirm).
- We will assess your request and notify you accordingly.
- As the reduced monthly instalments are applicable for 1 calendar year, you need to send us supporting documents of your income every year, by no later than 31 December.
I can’t log in
If you’re unable to log in, use the form ‘Income statement for request to reduce monthly debt payment instalments’ and send it to Please also enclose your income details (inkomensverklaring) from the Tax Administration.
Supporting documents of income
Make sure you provide supporting documents of your income when submitting your request in Mijn DUO. Examples of supporting documents include:
- your income details (inkomensverklaring) from the tax administration of the country or island concerned
- The form ‘Statement income tax’ from DUO, signed by the local tax administration
The supporting documents must be signed and stamped by the local tax administration.