Local repayment in your own currency
If you live in St Maarten, Aruba, Curaçao or the Caribbean Netherlands, you can opt to repay your student debt in your own currency.
Local repayment
You can register to make local repayments. You then pay the instalments on your student debt into a local account, in your own currency . This is generally cheaper than transferring money into an account in the Netherlands. You need to pay in monthly instalments.
Register for local repayment
- To register for local repayment, complete the form ‘Register or cancel local payments’. You need an active email address to arrange local repayment.
- After registering, DUO will send you an email stating the amount of your monthly instalments and explaining what you need to do.
- You only need to register once. After that, your payments will be processed automatically.
- Each month, you will receive an email with a summary of your payments.
Register or cancel local paymentspdf, 88kb
The checklist contains useful information about local repayment, including an explanation of exchange rate differences.
Checklist Local repaymentpdf, 177kb