Refunds or instalment plan cancellation

Course fees are charged for a full academic year – even if you stop your studies during that year. Refunds are granted only in certain cases, and not automatically. To get a refund of your course fees, you have to submit a request. If you’re paying in instalments, you can request to have the instalment plan cancelled.

Conditions for refunds and cancellations

You must meet all 3 of the followings criteria:

  • You were disenrolled before 1 May 2025.
  • Your request was submitted no later than 31 July 2025.
  • One of the following situations applies:
    • You have obtained your diploma.
    • You can no longer attend classes because you or your parents are getting a divorce.
    • You are pregnant.
    • You can no longer attend classes because you, your partner or a 1st or 2nd degree relative is seriously ill or has died.
Examination candidates

Do you register for the exam immediately after following an MBO-BOL programme, do you obtain your diploma and are you disenrolled before 1 May? Then you can request a course fees refund. Your request will be evaluated based on the date you disenrolled and obtained your diploma as an examination candidate (so not your BOL disenrolment date).

Death of student

In the event of the student’s death, DUO will be notified by the municipal records office. No further action is needed and DUO will take care of the rest. However, if the student did not live in the Netherlands, the next of kin must report the death.

DUO will automatically credit any course fees paid in excess to the bank account number originally used for payment.

Your situation

You are paying the full course fees at once

If you paid your full course fees at once, we’ll calculate the applicable reduction and refund the excess. If you qualify for a refund, the amount will be credited to your account within 2 weeks.

You are paying the course fees in instalments

If you’re paying your course fees in instalments, we’ll reduce the total amount. The instalments will then be debited from your account until you’ve paid the new total, after which the instalment plan will end. This means your payments will end earlier.

Have you already paid the full fees? Then we’ll cancel the instalment plan and credit the amount paid in excess to your account within 2 weeks.

How to request a course fees refund or cancel an instalment plan

  1. First, make sure you’re no longer enrolled in your programme. You can request a refund through Mijn DUO from 10 days after your disenrolment.
  2. Log in to Mijn DUO and click on ‘Direct regelen', 'Lesgeld’. Submit your request no later than 31 July 2025. Don’t see the option in Mijn DUO yet? Wait a few more days and try again.
  3. Are you requesting a refund or cancellation due to illness? Then also complete the ‘Medische informatie bij lesgeld terugvragen of termijnregeling stopzetten’ form and scan it. You have to upload the form with your request.

Log in to Mijn DUOwith DigiD

No access to Mijn DUO

Do you have no access to Mijn DUO? Use the ‘Verzoek terugvragen lesgeld of stopzetten termijnregeling 2024-2025’ form.

How much is the reduction?

The table below lists the amount by which course fees are reduced. Depending on your situation, you’ll either be charged less or receive a refund.

Reduction course fees 2024-2025
Disenrolled in Reduction course fees, 2024-2025 Amount course fees to be paid 2024-2025
August €1,419 €0
September €1,419 €0
Oktober €1,064.25 €354.75
November €946 €473
December €827.75 €591.25
January €709.50 €709.50
February €591.25 €827.75
March €473 €946
April €354.75 €1,064.25
May €0 €1,419
June €0 €1,419
July €0 €1,419