- In brief
- Basic funding
- Extra funding for primary schools
- Additional funding
Basic funding
Schools receive a fixed sum each and a sum for each pupil. this funding is paid out to schools in monthly instalments.
Primary schools
The basic funding for primary schools is made up of:
- A fixed sum per pupil
- A fixed sum for each school
Secondary schools and mbo
Basic funding for secondary and mbo schools is made up of an amount for each school and an amount for each pupil or student. These amounts are different per school and depend on the number of pupils and the type of education.
Basic funding for Bonaire
A fixed sum for each school
This amount is based on the number of pupils at the school. There are 3 fixed amounts for::
- up to and including 600 pupils/students
- between 601 and 1200 pupils/students
- 1201 or more pupils/students
Amount per pupil
There are different amounts for pupils/students in:
- elementary vocational training (praktijkonderwijs), in 3rd or 4th year of the vbo (preparatory vocational education) basic vocational programme or advanced vocational track, international transitional class
- the combined vmbo (pre-vocational secondary education) track, the first phase and main phase of vwo, havo, mavo or vbo
- the mbo vocational-training track and vocational-accompanying track.
Basic funding for Saba and Sint Eustatius
A fixed sum for each school
This amount is based on the number of pupils at the school. There are 3 fixed amounts for:
- up to and including 600 pupils/students
- between 601 and 1200 pupils/students
- 1201 or more pupils/students
Amount per pupil
There are different amounts for pupils/students in:
- the lower forms or CSEC and CAPE education
- elementary vocational training (praktijkonderwijs) or CVQ education
More information (in Dutch)
Primary schools
Wet primair onderwijs BES Link opent externe pagina , het Besluit bekostiging WPO BES 2022 Link opent externe pagina , Regeling bekostiging WPO BES 2023 Link opent externe pagina en de Regeling bekostiging WPO BES 2024 Link opent externe pagina .
Secondary schools and mbo
Wet voortgezet onderwijs 2020 Link opent externe pagina , Wet educatie en beroepsonderwijs BES Link opent externe pagina , Uitvoeringsbesluit WVO 2020 Link opent externe pagina en Regeling bekostiging vo-scholen en samenwerkingsverbanden vo Link opent externe pagina .
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Email us at if you have any questions.