Instalment plan
You can only set up a instalment plan if you meet the following conditions:
- You do not receive student finance anymore.
- You applied for a instalment plan before the due date of the payment request.
- You cancelled your student travel product.
- You pay by direct debit.
- Log in to Mijn DUO to apply for a instalment plan.
- Choose a monthly instalment. The minimum amount is € 45,-.
Received a reminder? Use a form
Did you receive a reminder (‘herinnering’)? Then you cannot apply for a instalment plan in Mijn DUO. Please use the ‘Aanvraag betalingsregeling ov-boete’ form instead.
Aanvraag betalingsregeling ov-boetepdf, 101kb
Statutory interest is charged on this debt. At the moment, the statutory interest is 7% per year. Therefore, DUO will charge 7% statutory interest per year until 1 August 2024.
Due to a policy change, we will no longer charge interest on instalment plans from 1 August 2024 up to and including December 2026. Whether the interest rate will remain 0% after that, depends on a change in law. As soon as we have more information, you will read about it here.
If you apply for a instalment plan, you authorize DUO to automatically debit the instalments from your bank account every month. We will do this until your fine has been paid. We will debit your account around the 25th of the month.
Changing your bank account number
Do you want us to debit the instalments from another account number? Please send us the ‘Wijziging rekeningnummer betalingsregeling ov-boete’ form.
Instalment plan has expired
Has your instalment plan expired because you missed a payment? You can call us to restart your payment plan only once. Call us before the due date on the final demand (‘aanmaning’).